Wednesday 11 February 2015

Leonora's Creativity Takes Courage Exhibition

Over the weekend my friend Leonora Rae held an exhibition that she had created, curated and organised in aid of a charity called Maggie's. Her theme was 'Creativity Takes Courage' and I thought this was such an apt title as it united both the artists involved and the charity it set out to help. I went along to the opening on Friday night at the Dundas Street Gallery and was delighted to see so many people there in support of Leonora, Maggie's and the ten artists involved in the exhibition. Aside from the lovely wine and canapés, what I really enjoyed was the diversity of the artwork. There was everything from beautiful landscape photographs to exquisite oil paintings to amusing sculptures of cheese. It really had it all. I found myself drawn to a set of prints of the most delightful little illustrations of stags; in fact I liked them so much that I ended up buying one ambiguously named 'Self-Portrait'.
Leonora has inspired me to take my ambitions into my own hands and really get involved in more projects like this. Maybe soon I'll be writing on here about an exhibition of my own, who knows.